Spleen (mouse)
Movie 1: Spleen vessels + trabeculae – basic structure
Young adult male C57BL/6J control mouse spleen
Smooth muscle actin (SMA)
Movie description:
Spleen subcapsular and trabecular fibroblasts express smooth muscle actin (SMA). Accordingly, SMA staining depicts the spleen capsule, the trabeculae and the blood vessels; overall, the frame of the organ + its main vasculature. Here we see a half mouse spleen. This SMA immunoreactive ‘frame’ is like a bag, or a cave; the ’empty’ spaces between the connective tissue system and vessels are ‘filled up’ by the white and red pulp, vessels and nerves.
Download high. res. video 请登录哔哩哔哩观看。Movie 2: Spleen folliculi
Young adult male C57BL/6J control mouse spleen
Movie description:
CD169 depicts a subpopulation of spleen macrophages that majorly localize in the edges of folliculi, in the marginal zones. Hence, this staining, as an overview, depicts the shape of folliculi (like ‘balls’), which are the major components of the white pulp (responsible for spleen immune functions). We see a half of a mouse spleen.
Download high. res. video 请登录哔哩哔哩观看。Movie 3: A ‘ tour’ inside the folliculi
Young adult male C57BL/6J control mouse spleen
Movie description:
A higher resolution scan of CD169 volume staining. Zoom around
and inside the folliculi. The shape of macrophages with their processes is nicely depicted. The majority of CD169 macrophages is in the follicular marginal zones but there are some sparse cells in between the folliculi – in the red pulp. Here the ‘red pulp’ and the internal space of folliculi are ’empty’, since the perfusion washed out the red blood cells (red pulp) and the lymphocytes (inside folliculi).
Download high. res. video 请登录哔哩哔哩观看。Movie 4: Spleen sympathetic nerves
Young adult male C57BL/6J control mouse spleen
Tyrosine hydroxylase
Movie description:
We see the sympathetic (noradrenergic) innervation of a half mouse spleen. There are major nerve bundles around a big blood vessel. From these, lower order nerve fibres are running within the connective tissue network and around the folliculi, probably following smaller vessels. These noradrenergic nerves may regulate vessel functions and immuneo processes.
Download high. res. video 请登录哔哩哔哩观看。Tissue: Dr. Jan Mulder; iDISCO reaction, light sheet microscopy, postprocess and videos: Dr. Csaba Adori